11 Funny Instagram Accounts You Need to Follow Right Now


While Facebook and Twitter are quite random in what gets posted, Instagram feels more focused. Most funny Instagram accounts are dedicated to making you laugh, with a stream of funny photos.

If you’re looking for a good laugh, from awesome old ladies to crazy ex-boyfriends, here are the funniest Instagram accounts of 2019. There’s something for everyone to enjoy.

Beigecardigan is a satirical Instagram account that basically asks the question, “What’s it like to live life as a jaded millennial?”

The account is full of deadpan humor, and it’s one of the funniest Instagram accounts that you’ll find in 2019. Jokes range from cooking mistakes and money mishaps, to throwbacks about the Teletubbies.

There are certain posts that you’ll see on Instagram time and again. Mugs of coffee are very common, for example, or plates of food and selfies.

We’re huge fans of all three of these things, but satiregram exists to point out these cliched images whether you like it or not. This satirical Instagram account uploads photos of written captions that describe typical Instagram images. If you’re a frequent Instagram user, it can be eye-opening to see just how many overdone pictures you’ve made.

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Online dating can be a weird experience, and if you’re a woman it can also be a little dangerous.

Some people don’t handle rejection well, and the Instagram account byefelipe takes submissions from women who have had dudes “turn hostile” on them.

The screenshots are not exactly what we’d call hilarious: more like dark humor where you get a ring-side seat to what women have to deal with on a daily basis. All you can do is laugh at it, otherwise you’d cry.

If you’re the kind of person who gets a perverse sort of pleasure from watching the dark side of the human race, byefelipe is a must-follow.

Another funny Instagram account is textsfromyourex. It posts screenshots of messages that people get from their exes, and invites submissions from people.

While some of these posts are your standard 2am drunk texts, others can be a bit off the wall and only remind you why the couple must have broken up in the first place.

Textsfromyourex has been around for a while, but even in 2019, it remains one of the funniest Instagram accounts.

One of the greatest Instagram accounts of 2019 is baddiewinkle. It’s not even a funny Instagram account, so much as baddiewinkle makes you feel amazing about yourself—and growing old—in a really fun way.

This highly curated collection is the hard work of a great-grandmother who dresses up in brightly-colored clothes and takes professional photoshoots. She’s living proof that getting old doesn’t mean getting boring, and I can only dream of being this bold at her age.

Despite the fact that the internet already loves cats—and there’s literally a million and one cat accounts on Instagram—we’re going to recommend one more. This cat account has to do with actual millions, too.

Ladies and gentlemen, meet cashcats: a funny instagram account dedicated to pictures of cats lying on cash. No, seriously, that’s it. They’re living the high life that some of us can only dream of.

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, while others are just awful. The funny Instagram page tinderconvos is dedicated to documenting the latter.

If a pun is too bad to be believed, or the message is obviously from a “reply guy,” or something weird happens, you’ll find it posted to this account.

What do song lyrics and classical paintings have in common—beyond being fine examples of popular art?

Well, not much, but the funny Instagram account flyartproductions has taken to mashing them together with great success.

The concept of the account is pretty simple: flyart takes a well-known painting, then slaps a tangentially related lyric on top of it. Instant hit.

Some people feel the need to post inspirational quotes everywhere. They view the world through heavily rose-tinted glasses, where the only thing stopping you from achieving your dreams is positive thinking and a photo of a sunset with a misattributed quote beneath.

To counter all this pointless positivity, the satirical Instagram account unspirational makes “inspirational” quotes that veer closer to reality. It uses the same sort of aesthetic, and is a wonderful panacea for all the horribly off-base motivational speeches that you see on Facebook.

Many relationships come to a point where they should end. For some relationships, this is because the couple drifts apart. For others, it’s because you’re so comfortable with each other in your texts messages that you inadvertently send a poop emoji instead of a heart at a critical time.

Alas, a line has been crossed.

Mishaps like this are where the funny Instagram page weshouldbreakup comes in. Rather than poking fun at single people tirelessly searching Tinder, it documents some of the many, many reasons why we should avoid relationships at all costs.

Betches is one of those funny Instagram accounts dedicated to millennial humor, except this one has a distinctly feminine flare.

Collecting posts from Twitter and around the web, Betches captures the quintessential essence of a stressed-out, working age 20-something that’s just graduated from university. It’s good for a nice laugh and definitely one of the funny Instagram accounts to watch in 2019.

What’s Your Favorite Funny Instagram Accounts?

These are just a few of the funny Instagram accounts out there that you should follow, but there are countless more. If you want some stress relief or a few feel-good moments, follow these cute animal Instagram accounts or scenic travel Instagram accounts. If you have any recommendations yourself, please let us know in the comments below.

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to make it easier to run your own account.

Explore more about: Fun Websites, Instagram, .

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