The 4 Technologies That Will Make Web 3.0 a Reality


While the Web 3.0 stack is not yet fully developed, much progress has been made to set the foundations for a new online ecosystem that breaks away from the traditional web into new realms of online interaction.

There are many examples of early-stage Web 3.0 applications being made and used which show how much potential the technology has. The concept of Web 3.0 may be interpreted differently but it is, at its core, a movement for a free web.

Here’s what you should know about Web 3.0 components and how they are shaping the future of your online activities.

1. The Semantic Web

HTML Document

The Semantic Web can be thought of as a data web. The future of the Semantic Web involves web principles being extended from document to data.

Ideally, data on different applications should be linked in such a way that creates new use cases for users. For example, being able to rediscover pictures and music on a calendar that shows what you were doing and listening to on a particular date.

The Semantic Web Stack includes RDF (Resource Descriptive Framework), OWL (Web Ontology Language), and RDFS (Resource Descriptive Framework Schema). The combination of the above-mentioned tools should ensure that instead of a collection of HTML documents, information becomes more meaningful with semantically linked data.

RDF consists of a language used to create metadata files. RDF was adopted as a W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) recommendation in the late nineties. It is composed of different specifications that are used to create models of information. Over the years, RDF has evolved with new specifications being implemented to improve different parts of the Web.

Classes and relationships may be defined using RDFS. The set of classes is used to create a vocabulary that makes this possible. It also defines and associates properties with those classes in order to structure RDF resources.

OWL (Web Ontology Language) is used to define more complex relationships and express them in more refined ways using a family of knowledge representation languages. It is used by applications that need to process the content of information instead of just presenting information to humans.

The vision for Semantic Web has not been fully realized due in large part to the fact that it has proven difficult to implement AI technology and the resource description framework. Despite the advances made with these technologies, it remains very difficult to make machines understand all the words humans use and to connect concepts.

2. Decentralized Technology

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Peer-to-peer networks and blockchains are among the key decentralized technologies being used to create the new decentralized web. Peer-to-peer networks have been around since the 90s, allowing for groups of computers to act as nodes in order to share files. Peer-to-peer networks will gain more relevance in the Web 3.0 era.

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Blockchain networks, while newer, have been used to leverage the power of peer-to-peer networks. The Web 3.0 blockchain not only uses principles of peer-to-peer technology but also integrates cryptography and consensus algorithms to scale systems of decentralization among larger groups of people.

It serves as a replacement for traditional databases which we currently use for the vast majority of our online activities.

3. 3D Interactive Web Technology

Avatar on Tablet

Three-dimensional design could revolutionize user experiences. From e-commerce to geospatial contexts, the border between the physical and online could become almost non-existent. 3D interactive web technology includes virtual identity management systems, virtual location management systems, and clients with 3D rendering capabilities.

There is a huge possibility that one day, virtual identities will become as popular as email addresses and mobile phones. Virtual identity management systems would help to manage details of identity and avatars of users. The virtual identity information could be shared across relevant client programs to allow for immersive 3D experiences on different web spaces.

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Virtual location management systems could be needed to support this system, using similar methods to DNS to provide geographical information and connection needed to make it easier to access virtual identity information.

Hardware such as Google glasses can help to enhance the 3D experience as they have certain features that enhance interactivity such as voice commands, visual searches, and 3-dimensional views online.

Creative 3D Web is an example of a project digging deeper into what 3D interactive web technology has to offer. Creative 3D Web offers a virtual 3D web browser which allows users to be immersed in visual web experiences, using avatars in a 3D virtual universe and on 3D Web spaces launched by businesses, service providers, and information services.

4. The Social Web

Applications on phone

The social web can be considered as the combination of web services, structures, and interfaces that support social interactions between humans. Many people also refer to Web 2.0 as the social web, a phase of the web’s evolution where interaction between users substantially increased as social networking sites gained more relevance in the lives of users.

The potential of Web 3.0 would be significantly limited without the participation of humans who meet, collaborate, and share content on social spaces. Unbeknown to many, existing applications have set the foundations for future interaction in the Web 3.0 space. Myspace, Facebook, and Flickr are examples of applications of the social web which developers of the new Web will build around using more advanced technologies.

Web 3.0 social media is likely to be defined in large part by decentralized technology. Social media platforms built on blockchain networks may operate without a centralized authority, using incentive systems to reward users for their participation on the social media platforms. Minds is an example of such a technology.

Minds, the blockchain-based social network describes itself as a community-owned social network dedicated to transparency. It offers users different monetary rewards for participation such as cryptocurrency for contributions.

An Ever-Evolving Ecosystem

It is important to remember that the Web is a constantly evolving ecosystem. The terms Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 may, sometimes, need to be interpreted loosely.

Many of the concepts which serve as the foundations for Web 3.0 have existed for a long time. The web is evolving in many important ways that may not even be considered under the Web 3.0 umbrella.


The 4 Technologies That Will Make Web 3.0 a Reality

Web 3.0 is the next phase of the internet’s evolution, but what technologies does it need to succeed?

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