Posted by Rajesh Pandey on Nov 21, 2019 in iPhone News, News
Guilherme Rambo, the developer of ChibiStudio and AirBuddy has shared in a blog post the ordeal that has been going through to gain access to his locked Apple developer account. He has been locked out of his Apple developer account since August and has not received any help from Apple whatsoever despite trying to contact them multiple times.
Rambo is also known for leaking details about unreleased Apple products months or weeks before their release.
Without access to his developer account, developer Guilherme Rambo cannot update his app ChibiStudio which has over 100,000 active users. He also cannot update his new app, AirBuddy, since he cannot notarize its newer builds. The issue has been ongoing since August and it is strange to see Apple failing to solve the matter even after so much time has passed away.
The irony is that while Rambo was locked out of his account, Apple went ahead and featured his app ChibiStudio in the App Store. It is unclear as to why the developer has been locked out of this developer account, though he believes that it is due to a bug from Apple’s side. Apple has not intentionally locked his account since he has not received any such communication from the company. Plus, his apps continue to be available for download on the App Store. Perhaps someone from Apple locked out the developer for leaking photos and details of unreleased Apple products in the past.
Since the developer has not received any help from Apple’s developer support staff or his internal contacts, he has decided to “run to the press.” With the media attention that this matter is going to get, the developer hopes that it catches the attention of someone from Apple who is able to provide him with access to his locked account.
For a company that takes proud in its developer base, it is quite telling to see them take so long to fix issues with a developer account.