BSNL has announced the launch of its Ramzan and Eid 2020 special Rs. 786 prepaid recharge plan. This promotional plan will be available for 30 days and comes with Rs. 786 talktime, 30GB of high-speed data, and 90 days validity. Releasing Rs. 786 recharge plan every year to celebrate Eid and Ramzan is sort of a tradition for BSNL. We have seen the state-owned telecom operator release similar plans in the past as well, but with different benefits. The new BSNL plan seems to be available in select circles, including Kerala, Gujarat, and Andhra Pradesh, so not everyone will be able to reap its benefits.
BSNL Rs. 786 recharge plan details, availability
Announced by BSNL Kerala on Twitter, the new Rs. 786 prepaid recharge plan went live today and will remain available for 30 days, as mentioned earlier. This plan comes with Rs. 786 talktime and 30GB of data, both of which will be valid for 90 days. If you are a BSNL subscriber and this plan interests you, you can head over BSNL website, app, or any third-party recharge service to recharge your prepaid BSNL account now.
Gadgets 360 was able to confirm the Rs. 786 BSNL plan’s availability in Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, and Kerala. The recharge doesn’t seem to be available in other telecom circles.
Promotional Offer w.e.f. 23.05.2020 for 30 days
Free Talk Value of ₹ 786 & 30 GB Data
Validity: 90 days— BSNL_Kerala (@BSNL_KL) May 22, 2020
BSNL Rs. 190 recharge plan offer
In addition to launch of Rs. 786 recharge plan, BSNL is also offering full talktime on Rs. 190 plan for four days, starting today. So, until May 26, if you will recharge your prepaid BSNL SIM with Rs. 190 plan, you will get full talktime. Same as the Rs. 786 plan, the full talktime benefit on Rs. 190 recharge plan is limited to select circles – Tamil Nadu and Chennai, in all other circles, the customers will get the regular Rs. 158.02 talktime.
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