Did a startup invent the holy grail of health wearables? Quantum Operation Incorporated, headquartered in Tokyo, Japan, claims their noninvasive (no-prick) glucometer accurately estimates blood glucose. Quantum’s technology should hit markets in late 2021 or early 2022. If it works, the wearable could prevent 1.6-million diabetes deaths, and countless amputations, each year. But the big
Along with new processors for gaming laptops, self-driving car tech, and previews of next-gen architectures, Intel used its presence at CES 2021 to launch the 11th Gen vPro platform for a new wave of business laptops. What sets vPro-enabled PCs apart from ordinary ones is additional validated hardware and software for security, reliability, and remote
On January 18, 2021, Telegram founder Pavel Durov posted to his public channel claiming that the app’s moderation team has dedicated much of the past few weeks shutting down hundreds of public calls for violence. Telegram Cracks Down on Harmful US Protestors “Telegram welcomes peaceful debate and protest, but our Terms of Service explicitly prohibit distributing public
Apple has begun early work on an iPhone with a foldable screen, a potential rival to similar devices from Samsung Electronics Co. and others, though it’s planning only minor changes for this year’s iPhone line. The Cupertino, California-based company has developed prototype foldable screens for internal testing, but hasn’t solidified plans to actually launch a foldable
Since the dawn of the internet, publishers big and small have wondered about the mysterious virtual visitors to their sites. How many are there? What are they reading? How many pages do Canadians using Firefox view per session? The field of analytics tackles these questions, and the leading practitioner is, unsurprisingly, the company that often
Wi-Fi is a catch-all term. In a sense, it is very precise. It explains a specific method you can use to connect to the internet. There are many different types of Wi-Fi standards. Your router, laptop, tablet, smartphone, and smart home devices all use different wireless standards to connect to the internet. Wireless standards change
Flipkart Big Saving Days sale is back this week, in a Republic Day special avatar. Flipkart is looking to take on Amazon’s Great Republic Day sale. The Walmart-owned company is offering hundreds of deals on popular mobile phones, TVs and appliances, and electronics during its five-day sale. Flipkart’s Big Saving Days 2021 sale is now
After Amazon Web Services dropped Parler for lax moderation policies, Parler is showing signs of a rebound. Navigating to the Parler site no longer gives you an error message—it now displays an actual webpage with several encouraging messages from the Parler team. Parler Is Slowly Making a Comeback If you head to the Parler website,
Instagram has been the internet’s favorite photo-sharing social media platform since its launch in 2010. More than 95 million photos are uploaded to Instagram every day, so maybe you’re just a little curious as to whether you can see who views your Instagram posts, Story, or profile. Here’s what you should know about what you can track