Realme X3 was reportedly listed on TENAA, hinting at key details of the phone. The phone has been spotted on multiple certification sites recently, and now the same Realme phone has cropped up on TENAA as well. This new listing tips that the Realme X3 will feature a 6.57-inch display and run on Android software. There is a separate Realme X3 SuperZoom model that was spotted on Geekbench recently, and the phone was tipped to pack up to 12GB RAM and be powered by an octa-core processor.
The supposed Realme X3 was briefly listed on TENAA with model number RMX2142. The listing (now removed) was spotted by MySmartPrice and the phone is tipped to feature a 6.57-inch hole-punch display. It is listed to pack a 4,100mAh battery and dimensions are said to be at 163.8×75.8×8.9mm. The upcoming Realme phone will support 5G as well. Apart from this, there is little else that this TENAA listing reveals.
The Realme X3 with model number RMX2412 was spotted earlier on Chinese certification website 3C, as well as on MIIT certification website. The 3C listing shows the charging specifications and it suggests that the phone will support 30W fast charging. As mentioned, there is also a Realme X3 SuperZoom variant that has been spotted on the Thailand NBTC certification site. The Geekbench listing hinted at Android 10 software, single-core score of 788 and a multi-core score of 2,624.
All of these recent leaks suggest that the launch of the Realme X3 may not be too far. Realme X3 will be the successor of the Realme X2 launched in September last year.