Telegram, a cloud-based mobile and desktop messaging app, on Friday announced an addition of new feature called ‘Polls 2.0’ for conducting various types of polls within the chat groups and channels. With this, the users can now explore three new kinds of Telegram Polls – Visible Votes, Multiple Answers, and Quiz Mode.
Polls 2.0 aims to enrich the learning experience, giving Telegram users more options to engage and express their opinions by way of selecting from various options.
According to the company, this new feature can enhance the experience of users to create opinions, generate polls and be used by learning and education channels to create objective based learning through multiple choice questions (MCQs) and subject based quizzes.
Launched globally and available for Indian users, these polls can be created in groups or channels. An updated attachment menu, now allows ‘Poll’ Option where users can follow simple steps from the menu and choose one of the three poll type.
Creating a poll is made easy by simply typing the question, add answer options, choose the settings that fit in as best purpose, and just roll it out. Telegram recognises that messaging applications have become an intrinsic part of communication across age groups and industries.
Additionally, Quiz Bot is going to be another surprise for the users as it will allow them to create multi-question quizzes with additional text and media capability and share them with others.
This enables its users to create exam-style prompts with graphs and tables. Users can answer on the groups, channels, or personally, as well. The Bot can also keep a tap that how many answers were right, time taken by a user and upload it to a global leaderboard Telegram has created.
Other new features include the ability to round off message corners to varying degrees, and an exact download progress counter on Android.